OCD pozvale lidere Berlinskog procesa da usvoje zaključke o sprečavanju represije nad civilnim društvom

Organizacije civilnog društva, učesnici Foruma civilnog društva i tink tenkova 2024, pozivaju vlade zapadnobalkanske šestorke, institucije Evropske unije, Saveznu vladu Nemačke i vlade članica EU da podrže evropske vrednosti i evropsku budućnost Zapadnog Balkana usvajanjem sledećih zaključaka:

  • U svetlu sve veće zabrinutosti za stanje vladavine prava i demokratije u regionu, pozivamo vlade zapadnobalkanske šestorke da pokažu snažnu posvećenost sprovođenju standarda vladavine prava kao preduslova za ubrzanje reformi u vezi sa pristupanjem EU, u skladu sa principom proširenja EU “osnove na prvom mestu”.
  • Pozivamo Vlade zapadnobalkanske šestorke da se uzdrže od svih vrsta direktnih i indirektnih represija nad civilnim društvom, aktivistima i medijima u regionu i da se suprotstave usvajanju restriktivnih zakona i propisa koji sužavaju prostor za civilno društvo.

Civil society organisations, participants at the Civil Society and Think Tank Forum 2024, call upon the governments of the Western Balkans 6, European Union institutions, the Federal Government of the Republic of Germany and the governments of the EU member states to stand in support of European values and European future of the Western Balkans region by adopting the following conclusions:

  • In light of increasing concerns about the state of the rule of law and democracy in the region, call upon Western Balkans 6 governments to demonstrate a strong commitment to enforcing the rule of law standards as preconditions for the acceleration of the EU accession-related reforms, in line with the Fundamentals First EU enlargement principle;
  • Call upon Western Balkans 6 governments to abstain from all types of direct and indirect oppressions towards civil society, activists and media in the region, and to oppose the adoption of restrictive laws and regulations that shrink the space for civil society.


Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia

Renewables and Environmental Regulatory Institute (RERI)

Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina

Centre for Contemporary Politics

Transparency Serbia

Montenegro Media Institute

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights

Foundation BFPE for a Responsible Society

Centre for Investigative Reporting

UG “Zašto ne”

Transparency International in Bosnia and Herzegovina

European Fund for the Balkans

Media Diversity Institute

Centre for Policy and Governance

Institute for Environmental Policy

Association ESTIMA

Reactor – Research in Action


Roma Active Albania

Sarajevo Open Centre

Voice of Roma Ashkali and Egyptians

Aarhus Centar BiH

Organization for Political Ecology Polekol

Prethodno Saopštenje: Zaustaviti represiju nad građanima i govor mržnje protiv aktivista